Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Non traditional Purim observance

Shira has a checklist for Purim mitsvot, which focus on the traditional aspects. To complement her list, here is a checklist of supplementary/non-traditional purim practices:

1) Did your community have a Vashti dance to support domestic violence shelters?

2) Did you or your kids if any wear costumes either to shul or otherwise during the day? If so, what did you or your kids go as?

3) Did your community have a purim shpeil? After, before, during, or instead of the Megillah reading?

4) Did anyone give Purim Torah, either at the seudah or elsewhere?


Leora said...

Scratching my head again about "Vashti dance." I even Googled it to find out if I'm missing something.

Are you starting one locally?

Our only costumed family member dressed exactly like her doll, freckles included.

Larry Lennhoff said...

I'm not planning on organizing a (mixed) dance any time soon in this community. I quick google found one reference to this (formerly?) annual event at Temple Bnai Brith in Somerville. Since the entry is from 2006, I'm guessing it isn't going to make it as a long term tradtion.

Shira Salamone said...

Sorry for the delayed response.

We had none of the above. Actually, we had a pre-Purim shpiel at a pre-Purim luncheon after morning services the preceding Shabbat/Sabbath. It wasn't exactly either a real Seudat Purim or a real shpiel, since neither event took place on Purim itself.

I always thought Vashti got a bum rap. What modest woman would want to subject herself to the leers and lewd remarks of a bunch of drunken men? She should be applauded for her tzniut (modesty).